
Community Closet Third Thursdays

 Date: 11/20/2025

Time: 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM

Ideal for teams of up to 8 - a great way to use VTO or engage in team building through volunteerism!

United Way of Marathon County’s Community Closet invites you to reach out to your community through giving your time and energy! Be part of United Way of Marathon County’s BOLD GOAL to lift 10,000 families to financial stability by helping us provide free clothing for all ages and all occasions.

What you can expect:  

  • A tour of the Community Closet.
  • Helping sorting donations and putting them out on the racks.
  • Seasonal switchover - taking down clothes that are no longer in season and replacing them with those that are.
  • Other projects as needed!

See the link below for more information about the Community Closet  

Community Closet | United Way of Marathon County (unitedwaymc.org)

Questions? Contact Carly Hanney, Director of Community Engagement at channey@unitedwaymc.org

Register now using your work email:





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