Volunteer for Make a Difference Day


Do you want to make a difference in Marathon County? Join Volunteer Connection for Make a Difference Day 2016. Individuals and groups can help in several ways!

1.   Spend the morning raking for elderly or disabled residents who have no one to help them with the task. Bring your own rake, gloves and a few friends to help. (Those under age 16 must be accompanied by an adult.) Or sign up to rake any yards that are left over, the following week.

2.   If you have a truck or trailer, you can help haul bagged leaves to area yard waste sites in the afternoon, after Make a Difference Day or the following week.

3.   Can’t rake? Help staff the tables and orient volunteers as they arrive, or give an In-Kind gift.   Donations will be accepted at First United Methodist Church (903 3rd St.) from 8am-12noon.  Donate non-perishable food items for the Marathon County Hunger Coalition, personal care items/toiletries for the Workplace Volunteer Council’s Back to Basics program and new or gently used winter outwear (kids-adults) for the Kiwanis’s Coats for Kids program


       You can register for all volunteer opportunities on-line.