And the Sweepstakes Qualifiers Are....

IMG_2024.JPGOn Friday, December 16, 10 qualifiers were randomly selected in the Jeep Sweepstakes.  The following individuals will be attending the Recognition Luncheon on January 20, where each of them will select a key, and one of them will have the lucky key the opens the doors of the Jeep Cherokee. The qualifiers are:




Jamie Sondelski, Aspirus Clinics
Lee Davis, Marathon Savings Bank
Chuck Wirsbinski, Regal/Marathon Electric
Laurie Prochnow, Management Recruiters, Inc.
James Sekel, DC Everest Senior High
Dale Marzynski, Sentry Insurance Retiree 
Justin Gesicki,
Timothy Opal,
Donna Schlais, Marathon Cheese
John Calhoon,

If you haven't already registered for Recognition Luncheon, you can register on-line today! The Early Bird Pricing ends soon!