Day of Action was June 21

Ready to Read LogoJune 21, the longest day of the year, was the 10th annual United Way Day of Action. Tens of thousands of people around the world donate their time to help local United Way's with projects during the local Day of Action event.

Here in Marathon County, groups of volunteers painted bookshelves that will be filled with donated books and placed in local organizations that serve families with children. Families will be able to take home a book to keep and read with their child.

In addition to our teams of painters, we want to recognize and thank:

Clark Schuette for designing and building our bookshelves.
Local companies who hosted book drives and collected over 5000 books to fill the shelves
The volunteer who helped clean, sort and organize the books.

Having books in the home is one of the most important factors in helping kids learn to read. We appreciate your help to "Put Books in the Hands of Kids."

Ready to Read Book Drive
