RSVP Program for Caregivers

CaregiversIn life’s journey there are times when we may need to know about the various caregiving options available in our community either in support of a family member or perhaps even for ourselves. You might be involved as a caregiver for a loved one and looking for additional support. For any number of reasons, it is helpful to know the options available in our community before you need them. United Way RSVP invites you to a special program presented by the Caregiving Pathways Coalition on Thursday, September 26 from 1:30 - 3 p.m. at the United Way office located at 705 S. 24th Ave., Suite 400B in Wausau.

The Caregiving Pathways Coalition is a group of professional caregivers who provide information and education to empower caregivers to set their own directions in caregiving. This presentation will be in the form of a Caregiver Pathways Panel Discussion with professionals providing important information on the various caregiving options available. Areas covered will include the ADRC Resource Center, Adult Day Centers, Supportive Home Care, Skilled Home Care, Palliative Care, Skilled Nursing Facilities and Hospice Care. They will provide information, resources and answer your questions. To register for this important program, please email or call Susan at 715-298-5721.