National Hunger & Homelessness Week Events

HHClogofor-Andar.jpgNational Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week is November 12-20, 2016. Locally, United Way Housing & Homelessness Coalition is sponsoring two events to help you better understand how these issues are impacting families in our communities.  Hunger and homelessness are not just big city problems, but are occurring in every part of our county.  Please join us for one or both of these events:

Tuesday, November 15 - two screenings of a recently completed documentary, 30 Seconds Away - Breaking the Cycle, about homelessness in Milwaukee, followed by group discussion focused on the differences between homelessness in an urban setting and in more rural communities.  Watch the trailer here.  The event is free, but registration is requested.  

Friday, November 18 - The Road Home Bus Tour will give participants an opportunity to visit local shelters and a public housing site. The event is free ($10 box lunch optional) and seating is limited. Register on-line today.